
Vendor Signup 125

Vendor Sign Up 2024

(Not at Voinovich Park)

Please understand that you have seven days from when you receive this link for your payment to be made. If no payment is made within seven days, you will lose your spot to another vendor.  We truly look forward to having you at Reggae Fest this year, Please choose which day you are attending, or both days. 

Also, if you have not been approved by Mindy as a vendor, and you try to sign up your businesss for this event, you will not be included in the event and you will not be refunded. Your payment will be donated to the Jamaican Peace Corps Fundraiser on 1MillionHearts.org

This is for outside vendors only. Absolutely no food or drink vendors. If you sign up and you are a food or drink vendor, you lose your money. So please read.